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JAM Simple Networking Protocol (JAMNP-S)

All connections are based on the QUIC protocol.

Encryption and handshake

TLS 1.3 is used for connection encryption and peer authentication.

During the TLS handshake, both the client (the peer that initiated the connection) and the server (the peer that accepted the connection) must present X.509 certificates. A peer's certificate must:

  • Use Ed25519 as the signature algorithm.
  • Use the peer's Ed25519 key. If the peer is a validator, this key should have been published on chain.
  • Have a single alternative name, which must be a 53-character DNS name consisting of "e" followed by the Ed25519 public key, base-32 encoded using the alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567".

The certificates should be self-signed, however this is not required and need not be verified.

The connection should be closed if the remote peer does not send a certificate, or the certificate does not meet the above requirements. Note that in the case where a connection is being accepted, the remote peer's Ed25519 key is not known in advance, but consistency between the certificate's key and alternative name should still be checked.

Encryption and authentication occur as usual in TLS:

  • Diffie-Hellman key exchange is used to produce an ephemeral encryption key.
  • Both peers sign the handshake transcript hash.


The protocol name, version, and chain are identified using QUIC/TLS "ALPN" (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation). The protocol identifier should be either jamnp-s/V/H or jamnp-s/V/H/builder. Here V is the protocol version, 0, and H is the first 8 nibbles of the hash of the chain's genesis block header, in lower-case hexadecimal.

The /builder suffix should always be permitted by the side accepting the connection, but only used by the side initiating the connection if it is connecting as a work-package builder. Note that guarantors should accept work-package submission streams (CE 133) on all connections, regardless of how they were opened. The purpose of identifying as a builder at connection time is merely to request use of a slot reserved for builders, increasing the likelihood of a successful connection.

Required connectivity

All validators in the previous, current, and next epochs should ensure they are connected to all other such validators.

The validators' IP-layer endpoints are given as IPv6/port combinations, to be found in the first 18 bytes of validator metadata, with the first 16 bytes being the IPv6 address and the latter 2 being a little endian representation of the port.

Strategy: For all such pairwise connections, we assign a Preferred Initiator for the connection based on the Ed25519 public keys of the two validators (ke,kKk_e, k \in \mathbb{K}). After a reasonable timeout (e.g. 5 seconds), the other validator may choose to initiate the connection. Given two Ed25519 public keys (a,b)(a, b), the Preferred Initiator P(a,b){a,b}P(a, b) \in \{a, b\} is given as:

P(a,b){awhen (a31>127)(b31>127)(a<b)botherwiseP(a, b) \equiv \begin{cases} a &\text{when } (a_{31} > 127) \oplus (b_{31} > 127) \oplus (a < b)\\ b &\text{otherwise} \end{cases}

Validators should accept connections from other nodes too, with a reasonable number of slots (e.g. 20) reserved for work-package builders. Builders may reasonably be required to prove their credentials through submission of a valid work-package in order to retain their connection.

Grid structure

Validators are conceptually linked in a grid structure. Two validators are linked if:

  • They are validators in the same epoch and either have the same row (index / W) or the same column (index % W). W here is floor(sqrt(V)), where V is the number of validators.
  • They are validators in different epochs but have the same index.

Epoch transitions

At the beginning of a new epoch, validators should wait to apply connectivity changes until both:

  • The first block in the epoch has been finalized.
  • At least 2 minutes have elapsed since the beginning of the epoch.

This rule is intended to:

  • Ensure that the validator set currently required to advance finality remains connected.
  • Ensure consensus is reached on new connectivity before it is applied.
  • Synchronize connectivity changes across validators, making epoch transitions smoother.

Protocols and streams

All communication happens over bidirectional QUIC streams. Many such streams may be in existence at once over a connection. Each stream has an associated stream kind, an identifier for the protocol in force over the stream.

All stream kinds may be characterised into one of two patterns:

  1. Unique Persistent (UP) streams: Only one stream may be open for each UP stream kind on a connection. UP streams will tend to be opened after connection and stay alive for the duration of the connection. UP streams are always opened by the initiator of the connection. It is possible, e.g. due to packet loss after a UP stream is closed and reopened, for the acceptor of the connection to observe multiple open streams with the same UP kind. In this case, the stream with the greatest ID (as defined in the QUIC specification) should be kept, and the other streams should be reset/stopped.
  2. Common Ephemeral (CE) streams: Zero or many streams may be open for each CE stream kind on a connection. They will tend to be opened to make a specific query or submit a particular datum and closed immediately after completion. Unless otherwise specified, resetting/stopping of a CE stream by the stream initiator should be considered cancellation of the request, and resetting/stopping of a stream by the stream acceptor should be considered rejection of the request or failure to process the request.

After opening a stream, the stream initiator must send a single byte identifying the stream kind. UP stream kinds are numbered starting from 0, CE stream kinds are numbered starting from 128. The identified protocol becomes active immediately after this byte is sent.

All stream protocols are specified in terms of messages. A message is transmitted in two parts. First, the size (in bytes) of the message content is transmitted, encoded as a little-endian 32-bit unsigned integer. Second, the message content itself is transmitted.

In the protocol descriptions below:

  • X -> X indicates the expected classes of the initiator and acceptor of the stream respectively. For example, Builder -> Guarantor means streams with this protocol are expected to be opened by builders on connections to guarantors.
  • --> indicates a message sent by the initiator of the stream.
  • <-- indicates a message sent by the acceptor of the stream.
  • --> FIN and <-- FIN indicate clean termination of the transmit half of the stream by the initiator and acceptor respectively (no message should be sent). In QUIC, the transmit half of a stream is cleanly terminated by setting the FIN bit in the last STREAM frame. Note that, unless otherwise specified, CE streams should only be considered successful if both halves of the stream are cleanly terminated.
  • ++ indicates concatenation.
  • Encoding is as per the serialization codec defined in the gray paper.
  • len++ preceding a sequence indicates that the sequence should be explicitly prefixed by its length. If a sequence is not preceded by len++, the length is either fixed or implied by context.

Common types

The following "common" types are used in multiple protocols.

Header = As in GP
Work Report = As in GP
Hash = Header Hash = Work Report Hash = [u8; 32]

Slot = u32
Epoch Index = u32 (Slot / E)

Validator Index = u16
Core Index = u16

Ed25519 Signature = [u8; 64]

Erasure Root = [u8; 32]
Shard Index = u16
Bundle Shard = [u8]
Segment Shard = [u8; 12]

UP 0: Block announcement

This should be opened between two nodes if either:

  • Both nodes are validators, and are linked in the grid structure.
  • At least one of the nodes is not a validator.

Here, "validator" means a validator in either the previous, current, or next epoch. As this is a UP protocol, the initiator of the connection is responsible for opening the stream when necessary.

Both sides should begin by sending a handshake message containing all known leaves (descendants of the latest finalized block with no known children).

An announcement should be sent on the stream whenever a new block is produced or received. Announcement of a block may only be skipped if:

  • A descendant of the block is announced instead.
  • The block is not a descendant of the latest finalized block.

The header hash and slot of the latest finalized block should be included in the handshake message and also in every announcement message that is sent.

Final = Header Hash ++ Slot
Leaf = Header Hash ++ Slot
Handshake = Final ++ len++[Leaf]
Announcement = Header ++ Final

Node -> Node

--> Handshake AND <-- Handshake (In parallel)
loop {
--> Announcement OR <-- Announcement (Either side may send)

CE 128: Block request

Request for a sequence of blocks.

There are two types of request:

  • Ascending exclusive: The sequence of blocks in the response should start with a child of the given block, followed by a grandchild, and so on.
  • Descending inclusive: The sequence of blocks in the response should start with the given block, followed by its parent, grandparent, and so on.

The number of blocks in the response should be limited to the given maximum.

Note that blocks directly contain only the hashes of included work-reports and preimages. If unknown, the actual work-reports and preimages should be requested using protocols 136 and 143 respectively.

Direction = { 0 (Ascending exclusive), 1 (Descending inclusive) } (Single byte)
Maximum Blocks = u32
Block = As in GP

Node -> Node

--> Header Hash ++ Direction ++ Maximum Blocks
--> FIN
<-- [Block]
<-- FIN

CE 129: State request

Request for a range of a block's posterior state.

A contiguous range of key/value pairs from the state trie should be returned, starting at the given start key and ending at or before the given end key. The start and end keys are both "inclusive" but need not exist in the state trie. The returned key/value pairs should be sorted by key.

Additionally, a list of "boundary" nodes should be returned, covering the paths from the root to the given start key and to the last key/value pair included in the response. The list should include only nodes on these paths, and should not include duplicate nodes. If two nodes in the list have a parent-child relationship, the parent node must come first. Note that in the case where the given start key is not present in the state trie, the "path to the start key" should terminate either at a fork node with an all-zeroes hash in the branch that would be taken for the start key, or at a leaf node with a different key.

The total encoded length of the response should not exceed the given maximum size in bytes, unless the response contains only a single key/value pair. As such, the response may not cover the full requested range.

Note that the keys in the response are only 31 bytes, as the final key byte is ignored by the Merklization function.

Key = [u8; 31] (First 31 bytes of key only)
Maximum Size = u32
Boundary Node = As returned by B/L, defined in the State Merklization appendix of the GP
Value = len++[u8]

Node -> Node

--> Header Hash ++ Start Key ++ End Key ++ Maximum Size
--> FIN
<-- [Boundary Node]
<-- [Key ++ Value]
<-- FIN

CE 131/132: Safrole ticket distribution

Sharing of a Safrole ticket for inclusion in a block.

Safrole tickets are distributed (and included on chain) in the epoch prior to the one in which they are used. They are distributed in two steps. Each ticket is first sent from the generating validator to a deterministically-selected "proxy" validator. This proxy validator then sends the ticket to all current validators.

Protocol 131 is used for the first step (generating validator to proxy validator), protocol 132 is used for the second step (proxy validator to all current validators). Both protocols look the same on the wire; the difference is only in which step they are used for.

The first step should be performed one minute after the connectivity changes for a new epoch are applied. The index of the proxy validator for a ticket is determined by interpreting the last 4 bytes of the ticket's VRF output as a big-endian unsigned integer, modulo the number of validators. The proxy validator is selected from the next epoch's validator list. If the generating validator is chosen as the proxy validator, then the first step should effectively be skipped and the generating validator should distribute the ticket to the current validators itself, as per the following section.

Proxy validators should verify the proof of any ticket they receive, and verify that they are the correct proxy for the ticket. If these checks succeed, they should forward the ticket to all current validators. Forwarding should be delayed until 3 minutes after the application of connectivity changes, to avoid exposing the timing of the message from the generating validator. Forwarding should be evenly spaced out from this point until half-way through the Safrole lottery period. Forwarding may be stopped if the ticket is included in a finalized block.

If finality is running far enough behind that the state required to verify a received ticket is not known with certainty, the stream should be reset/stopped. This applies to both protocol 131 and 132.

Attempt = { 0, 1 } (Single byte)
Bandersnatch RingVRF Proof = [u8; 784]
Ticket = Attempt ++ Bandersnatch RingVRF Proof (As in GP)

Validator -> Validator

--> Epoch Index ++ Ticket (Epoch index should identify the epoch that the ticket will be used in)
--> FIN
<-- FIN

CE 133: Work-package submission

Submission of a work-package from a builder to a guarantor.

The second message should contain all the extrinsic data referenced by the work-package, formatted as in work-package bundles, which are defined in the Computation of Work Results section of the GP.

Note that the content of imported segments should not be sent; it is the responsibility of the receiving guarantor to fetch this data from the availability system.

Work Package = As in GP
Extrinsic = [u8]

Builder -> Guarantor

--> Core Index ++ Work Package
--> [Extrinsic] (Message length should equal sum of extrinsic data lengths)
--> FIN
<-- FIN

CE 134: Work-package sharing

Sharing of a work-package between guarantors on the same core assignment.

A work-package received via CE 133 should be shared with the other guarantors assigned to the core using this protocol, but only after:

  • It has been determined that it is possible to generate a work-report that could be included on chain. This will involve, for example, verifying the WP's authorization.
  • All import segments have been retrieved. Note that this will involve mapping any WP hashes in the import list to segment roots.

The refine logic need not be executed before sharing a work-package; ideally, refinement should be done while waiting for the other guarantors to respond.

Unlike CE 133, a full work-package bundle is sent, along with any necessary work-package hash to segment root mappings. The bundle includes imported data segments and their justifications as well as the work-package and extrinsic data. The bundle should precisely match the one that is ultimately erasure coded and made available in the case where the work-report gets included on chain.

The guarantor receiving the work-package bundle should perform basic verification first and then execute the refine logic, returning the hash of the resulting work-report and a signature that can be included in a guaranteed work-report. The basic verification should include checking the validity of the authorization and checking the work-package hash to segment root mappings. If the mappings cannot be verified, the guarantor may, at their discretion, either refuse to refine the work-package or blindly trust the mappings.

Segment Root Mappings = len++[Work Package Hash ++ Segment Root]
Work Package Bundle = As in GP

Guarantor -> Guarantor

--> Core Index ++ Segment Root Mappings
--> Work Package Bundle
--> FIN
<-- Work Report Hash ++ Ed25519 Signature
<-- FIN

CE 135: Work-report distribution

Distribution of a fully guaranteed work-report ready for inclusion in a block.

After sharing a work-package received via CE 133 and getting back a signature from at least one other guarantor, a guaranteed work-report may be constructed and distributed.

Guaranteed work-reports should be distributed to all current validators, and during the last core rotation of an epoch, additionally to all validators for the next epoch. Note that these validator sets are likely to overlap.

Once in possession of two signatures for a work-report, the third guarantor should be given a reasonable amount of time (e.g. two seconds) to produce an additional signature before the guaranteed work-report is distrubuted.

Guaranteed Work Report = Work Report ++ Slot ++ len++[Validator Index ++ Ed25519 Signature] (As in GP)

Guarantor -> Validator

--> Guaranteed Work Report
--> FIN
<-- FIN

CE 136: Work-report request

Request for the work-report with the given hash.

This should be used to request missing work-reports on receipt of a new block; blocks directly contain only the hashes of included work-reports.

A node announcing a new block may be assumed to possess the referenced work-reports. Such nodes should thus be queried first for missing reports.

Node -> Node

--> Work Report Hash
--> FIN
<-- Work Report
<-- FIN

CE 137: Shard distribution

This protocol should be used by assurers to request their EC shards from the guarantors of a work-report. The response should include a work-package bundle shard and a sequence of exported/proof segment shards. The response should also include a "justification", proving the correctness of the shards.

The justification should be the co-path of the path from the erasure root to the shards, given by:

T(s,i,H)T(\mathbf{s}, i, \mathcal{H})


  • s\mathbf{s} is the sequence of (work-package bundle shard hash, segment shard root) pairs satisfying u=MB(s)u = \mathcal{M}_B(\mathbf{s}), where uu is the erasure root and MB\mathcal{M}_B is as defined in the General Merklization appendix of the GP.
  • ii is the shard index.
  • H\mathcal{H} is the Blake 2b hash function.
  • TT is as defined in the General Merklization appendix of the GP.

Note that the last entry in the justification may consist of a pair of hashes.

Justification = [Hash OR (Hash ++ Hash)]

Assurer -> Guarantor

--> Erasure Root ++ Shard Index
--> FIN
<-- Bundle Shard
<-- [Segment Shard] (Should include all exported and proof segment shards with the given index)
<-- Justification
<-- FIN

CE 138: Audit shard request

Request for a work-package bundle shard (a.k.a. "audit" shard).

This protocol should be used by auditors to request work-package bundle shards from assurers in order to reconstruct work-package bundles for auditing. In addition to the requested shard, the response should include a justification, proving the correctness of the shard.

The justification should be the co-path of the path from the erasure root to the shard. The assurer should construct this by appending the corresponding segment shard root to the justification received via CE 137. The last-but-one entry in the justification may consist of a pair of hashes.

Justification = [Hash OR (Hash ++ Hash)]

Auditor -> Assurer

--> Erasure Root ++ Shard Index
--> FIN
<-- Bundle Shard
<-- Justification
<-- FIN

CE 139/140: Segment shard request

Request for one or more 12-byte segment shards.

This protocol should be used by guarantors to request import segment shards from assurers in order to complete work-package bundles for guaranteeing.

This protocol has two variants: 139 and 140. In the first variant, the assurer does not provide any justification for the returned segment shards. In the second variant, the assurer provides a justification for each returned segment shard, allowing the guarantor to immediately assess the correctness of the response.

The justification for a segment shard should be the co-path from the erasure root to the shard, given by:

j[b]T(s,i,H)\mathbf{j} \frown [b] \frown T(\mathbf{s}, i, \mathcal{H})


  • j\mathbf{j} is the relevant justification provided to the assurer via CE 137.
  • bb is the corresponding work-package bundle shard hash.
  • s\mathbf{s} is the full sequence of segment shards with the given shard index.
  • ii is the segment index.
  • H\mathcal{H} is the Blake 2b hash function.
  • TT is as defined in the General Merklization appendix of the GP.

Note that one entry in the justification may be a pair of hashes, and the last entry may be a segment shard.

Guarantors should initially use protocol 139 to fetch segment shards. If a reconstructed import segment is inconsistent with its reconstructed proof, the segment and proof should be reconstructed again, using shards retrieved with protocol 140. When using this protocol, the guarantor can verify the correctness of each response as it is received, requesting shards from a different assurer in the case of an incorrect response. If the reconstructed segment and proof are still inconsistent, then it can be concluded that the erasure root is invalid.

The number of segment shards requested in a single stream should not exceed WM=211W_M = 2^{11} (this constant is defined in the GP).

Segment Index = u16
Justification = [Hash OR (Hash ++ Hash) OR Segment Shard]

Guarantor -> Assurer

--> [Erasure Root ++ Shard Index ++ len++[Segment Index]]
--> FIN
<-- [Segment Shard]
[Protocol 140 only] for each segment shard {
[Protocol 140 only] <-- Justification
[Protocol 140 only] }
<-- FIN

CE 141: Assurance distribution

Distribution of an availability assurance ready for inclusion in a block.

Assurers should distribute availability assurances approximately 2 seconds before each slot, to all possible block authors. Note that the assurer set and the block author set should switch over to the next validator set for the distribution 2 seconds before a new epoch -- the assurances extrinsic and block seal are both checked using the posterior keysets.

Bitfield = [u8; 43] (One bit per core)
Assurance = Header Hash (Anchor) ++ Bitfield ++ Ed25519 Signature

Assurer -> Validator

--> Assurance
--> FIN
<-- FIN

CE 142: Preimage announcement

Announcement of possession of a requested preimage. This should be used by non-validator nodes to introduce preimages.

The recipient of the announcement is expected to follow up by requesting the preimage using protocol 143, provided the preimage has been requested on chain and the recipient is not already in possession of it.

Preimage announcements should not be forwarded to other validators; validators should propagate preimages only be including them in blocks they author.

Node -> Validator

--> Hash
--> FIN
<-- FIN

CE 143: Preimage request

Request for a preimage of the given hash.

This should be used to request:

  • Preimages announced via protocol 142.
  • Missing preimages of hashes in the lookup extrinsics of new blocks.

Requests for a preimage should be made to nodes that have announced possession of either the preimage itself or of a block containing the hash of the preimage in its lookup extrinsic.

Note that this protocol is essentially the same as protocol 136 (work-report request), but the hash is expected to be checked against a different database (in the case of this protocol, the preimage lookup database).

Preimage = [u8]

Node -> Node

--> Hash
--> FIN
<-- Preimage
<-- FIN

CE 144: Audit announcement

Announcement of requirement to audit.

Auditors of a block (defined to be the posterior validator set) should, at the beginning of each tranche, broadcast an announcement to all other such auditors specifying which work-reports they intend to audit, unless they do not intend to audit any work-reports, in which case no announcement should be sent.

If an auditor determines, after the beginning of a tranche, additional work-reports that they should audit, they should broadcast additional announcements covering these work-reports. This situation can occur if an announcement for the previous tranche arrives late, and no corresponding judgment has been received.

An auditor should never announce intent to audit a particular work-report, in the context of a particular block, in more than one tranche.

An announcement contains a list of work-reports as well as evidence backing up the announcer's decision to audit them. In combination with the block being audited and the prior state, the evidence should be sufficient for recipients of the announcement to verify the audit requirement claim.

The evidence provided for a tranche 0 announcement is simply the Bandersnatch signature from which the list of work-reports to audit was derived. For subsequent tranche announcements, separate evidence is provided for each announced work-report. This evidence consists of:

  • A Bandersnatch signature, sn(w)s_n(w) in the GP.
  • A list of announcements from the previous tranche, each declaring intent to audit the work-report in question. Inclusion of an announcement in this list is a claim that no corresponding judgment for the work-report in question was received (this cannot be proven and so must simply be accepted). Each announcement in the list thus corresponds to a "no-show" and the length of the list is the claimed number of no-shows. No two announcements in the list should be from the same auditor.
Tranche = u8
Announcement = len++[Core Index ++ Work Report Hash] ++ Ed25519 Signature

Bandersnatch Signature = [u8; 96]
First Tranche Evidence = Bandersnatch Signature (s_0 in GP)
No-Show = Validator Index ++ Announcement (From the previous tranche)
Subsequent Tranche Evidence = [Bandersnatch Signature (s_n(w) in GP) ++ len++[No-Show]] (One entry per announced work-report)
Evidence = First Tranche Evidence (If tranche is 0) OR Subsequent Tranche Evidence (If tranche is not 0)

Auditor -> Auditor

--> Header Hash ++ Tranche ++ Announcement
--> Evidence
--> FIN
<-- FIN

CE 145: Judgment publication

Announcement of a judgment, ready for inclusion in a block and as a signal for potential further auditing.

An announcement declaring intention to audit a particular work-report must be followed by a judgment, declaring the work-report to either be valid or invalid, as soon as this has been determined.

Any judgments produced should also be broadcast to the validator set(s) for the epoch(s) following the block(s) in which the audited work-report was declared available. This is to ensure the judgments are available for block authors to include in the disputes extrinsic. For positive judgments, this broadcasting may optionally be deferred until a negative judgment for the work-report is observed (which may never happen).

On receipt of a new negative judgment for a work-report that the node is (potentially) responsible for auditing, the judgment should be forwarded to all other known auditors that are linked via the grid structure. The intent of this is to increase the likelihood that negative judgments are seen by all auditors.

Validity = { 0 (Invalid), 1 (Valid) } (Single byte)

Auditor -> Validator

--> Epoch Index ++ Validator Index ++ Validity ++ Work Report Hash ++ Ed25519 Signature
--> FIN
<-- FIN